FRESNO, Calif. (FOX26) — This year marks 100 years of lights, family fun, and tradition at Fresno’s Christmas Tree Lane.
In honor of celebrating a century of colorful Christmas lights and holiday decorations down Van Ness Blvd, Christmas Tree Lane is releasing commemorative hoodies and t-shirts.
You can learn more about the items, here, and the deadline to purchase the t-shirt or hoodie is Nov.13. The Lane says you can expect your items to arrive on Dec. 1.
Christmas Tree Lane will open on Dec. 1 and will run Sunday through Thursday 6-10 p.m. and 6 p.m. through 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
Those interested in checking out Christmas Tree Lane should enter on Shields Avenue and exit on Shaw right next to Fig Garden Village.
According to The Lane, no “walk-only nights” have been scheduled for the 2022 holiday season.